Monday, November 2, 2009

The Second Mango Season

How the time flies over here! The days might crawl, but the months have slipped by until I'm giddily watching the mangoes ripen on their branches for the second time since coming here. Won't be long now!

Things have been going well at site lately. I feel much more integrated with my neighbors and the village community and I finally had that moment people tell you about where you are walking around the village and then it hits you that this remote corner of the world, once so foreign and strange to you, is now home. Mushy mush mush blah blah blah. =)

I'm continuing to get down and dirty with work. I have two village groups. One is currently digging out an area in order to raise fish and the other is working with draft powered agriculture. Their grant was just approved by Peace Corps and once the money arrives, we'll be able to go out and get some plows, harnesses, and send some of their youth to study the art of plowing at the district capital. On Tuesdays and Fridays I go to St. Clara's Secondary School and teach the girls about environmental awareness and sustainability. Their English is very good and I enjoy this break from Swahili, not to mention how well behaved the classes are. On Wednesdays I go over to Kisiwani Secondary School where my environmental club planted a tree nursery and are now learning about HIV/AIDs awareness in preparation for World AIDs Day 2009. I'm trying to get them on the bill to perform a play or a song/rap at the festivities. We'll see how it turns out.

Not much else is new. I'm just happy the past few months have been a nice transition period and I'm looking forward to the next year in Mbuyuni and a possible extra year after that... but that's for a different post as nothing's ever for certain over here.

Til next time!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Love how "at home" you sound in this post - is that incredible for your Mom who misses you so very much to say! :) Love you, bud!